Tex Plus Trading is Sole Representative/Indenter and Importer of ETIC products. ETIC products has been applied on many projects in Pakistan.

ETIC specializes in the design, manufacture and installation of equipment for civil engineering structures. Since 1989, ETIC has been developing and marketing many technical processes for construction and repair, notably in the field of civil engineering structures, but also for civil engineering and building structures.

Since May 2011, ETIC is part of a large French Group demathieu bard, present in the fields of engineering works, tunnels, buildings, prefabrication and having establishments in Canada, USA, Luxembourg and Germany.

Following are the major products of Etic France:

Cables Postensioning BBR

Stay Cables BBR

High Ductility Bars (Postensioning Class 10 & 12)

Elastomeric Bearings


Viscous Antisismic Devices (STV, PDS, DAMPER)

Retrofitting of Bridges with TSR

Flat Jacks

Devices support pot - RESTON
Devices neoprene laminated bearings - ETIBLOC
Prestressing bar HTSR & HSAA3
Roadway - EJ 50
Roadway - EJ 50 s
Roadway - EJ 85
Roadway - EJ 110
Roadway - EJ 160 
Roadway - EJ 220
Roadway - EJ 280
Roadway - EJ 320
Roadway - EJ 320
Roadway - EJ 400
Roadway - EJ 65
Roadway - EJ 50 S
Roadway - EJ 80 S
Roadway - ETI PARK
Roadway - ETIC Pot Bearings 
Roadway - Railway Expansion Joints
Catalogue of ETIC (Expansion Joint for Bridges)

 Contact Person

 Mr. Hammad Akbar Khan


 +92 300 8443004

 Email  hammad96@yahoo.com